Friday, July 15, 2005


You will have noticed that Queenie's Daughter has not recently been bloggful nor verbose and you are probably wondering to yourself, "What the hell is going on? Is QD on hiatus for the summer and if so shouldn't she be rerunning the best of QD?" Or you may be more skeptical and saying to yourself, "Lazy little so and so thinks she's all QD but really she's just lazy." Perhaps you are paranoid and saying to yourself, "Dear God! Have they gotten QD too? Will Rove stop at nothing to cover his turd blossom????"

But alas and alack it is not laziness, want of newsworthy discussion, a coup, nor a sabbatical ... QD is simply experiencing technical difficulties.

She cannot open Blogger on her old and tangerine Mac, nor can she download Mozilla. She upgraded her system from an old 9.2 to OS X to no avail so now, she is like, "Screw it." What else can she do?

Some day, probably in the none too distant future, QD will be back ... until then - rest assured, she is keeping her eyes and ears open (as should you) and though QD is firmly entrenched in her agnosticism... she would like you to know that if Turd Blossom goes down in flames and then Bush gets impeached...she promises that then she might entertain the possible existence of God.

Until then, comrades, citizens, sisters and fellow men ... good luck, and please, please, please, remember one thing .... War has never succeeded in achieving lasting peace.


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