Monday, November 28, 2005

Queenie's Contributions

beloved Cherie, -
I re-read How the Irish Saved Civilization last night and this morning - the early part that deals with the collapse of the Roman Empire is creepily relevant to today. Then ... about the situation in Northern Ireland: Should the Irish be Trusting the Brits? The answer is, of course not! There's an interesting 3 part piece on BuzzFlash about modern history you can't afford to ignore. I recommend it. Also there's discussion again about the "failure" of feminism because of the number of well educated women who choose to stay home and have kids, or otherwise boycott the corporate world. That's a subject for a longer discussion!So all is well here but my mind is racing!

All my love,
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Let us have no more croaking as to what cannot be done; let us see what can be done, and above all, see that it is done!
Alice McLellan Birney


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