Friday, January 06, 2006

Fire Dog Lake doin' it right

Fire Dog Lake is one of QD's favorite blogs and today it climbed up to the very top of the list as BEST BLOG EVER.

The letter posted by Redd Hedd today was as comprehensive as it was compassionate. The stakes are so high for everyone that there is really no excuse for leaving problems to someone else to fix. Every single human being on this planet has value and worth and deserves to be seen, heard and treated with dignity.

Thank you Redd Hedd for being a strong and inspirational voice.

When QD looks at the tragedies in New Orleans and now in West Virginia, she sees what her other mother has been telling her all along. Race is not the issue, class is the issue. The problem with the twenty first century is the problem of the class line. Access to education, to housing, to health care, are being denied all but tte elite few who then perceive themselves as being better than those for whom access was denied.

It is a scary time to be an American, it is as if we stand on the precipice of adulthood as a nation and the fear is that we will stay a country of Peter Pans: little boys who never grow up.

It is a wonderful time to be an American, because it is a time where so much needs to be done that opportunities abound. For Queenie's Daughter, the most important thing a human being can do is strive to become their true selves - to be authentic.

Queenie's Great great great great grandmother was once called "Queen of America" and the greatest legacy of that Queen was her work for peace and her work for social justice. She died before her work was done, thus giving Queenie's Daughter the opportunity to continue fighting for what is right.

Dammit Redd Hedd ... We wish you lived in Harlem so we could cook you a nice meal and pick your brain. Thanks Again for your profound and courageous words.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Access to health care, housing, and education should never be denied as they are great aspects to many lives.

5:15 PM  

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