Thursday, February 16, 2006

CHENEYquiDICK or Much Ado About Nothing?

Our favorite part of Cheney's masterfully manipulated mea culpa was that this:

THE VICE PRESIDENT:...I had no idea how serious it was going to be. I mean, it could have been extraordinarily serious. You just don't know at that moment. You know he's been struck, that there's a lot of shot that had hit him. But you don't know -- you think about his eyes.

In a less cynical era we might read that statement differently: but as it stands we read it as the Veep thinking "Oh F*&^ What did he see?"

We also like the immediate distancing from Whittington
Q Would you describe him as a close friend, friendly acquaintance, what --
THE VICE PRESIDENT: No, an acquaintance.
and then repeated use of the word "friend" as in:
THE VICE PRESIDENT: I'm the guy who pulled the trigger and shot my friend.
THE VICE PRESIDENT: My friend, Harry, has been shot

So, you shoot your friendly acquaintace and then you have a staffer call his family? You don't bother to make sure it is done right away:
THE VICE PRESIDENT: I didn't make the calls to his children, so I don't know exactly when those contacts were made.

Not only that but he didn't even have the balls to be the first to tell his boss, or someone at his office:
THE VICE PRESIDENT: The White House was notified, but I did not discuss it directly, myself.

Then there is the new protocol of White House officials - this puts new spin on "listening to your constituency":
THE VICE PRESIDENT: And Katherine suggested, and I agreed, that she would go make the announcement, that is that she'd put the story out.

And Britt Hume: Asking the tough questions...
Q And you -- and I take it, you missed the bird.

We cannot waste any more time of this.
It is so much fluff.
It would be insulting if we were not already insulated against expecting any sort of respect from our public officials.

However, we are sort of laughing at the press. So, for all your obsequious good behavior, your butt kissing of the current administration, your softballing, your accepting shit as shinola ... what's the outcome?

To put it bluntly Press Corps: He'll screw you but he wont kiss you.


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