Thursday, February 22, 2007

Waiting for the Verdict

Here we are waiting for the jury to come back with a verdict in the Scooter Libby trial. We are trying to keep busy or at least stay distracted. To that end we checked out our extended horoscope and were delighted to find this....
"Art and love will have one element in common during this time; that is, the experience of them will transport you out of the commonplace into the extraordinary, for that is what you are seeking. Art and love should have a considerable impact on your life now and affect your future for many years to come."

Finally. FINALLY. For the past few years we have felt like we were Sisyphus pushing the rock up that damn hill. The whole world has felt hard and unyeilding. We have not slacked off, we have pushed our rock dutifully knowing not what we were being punished for...but lately...we have had glimmers of a new world. We have felt like this year of the golden boar will some how be a little magical. That perhaps the pendulum is swinging and instead of being STUCK in the MUCK we will be free and unfettered.

This is a fire year and we are a fire sign. We do not fear challenge or change but we are terrified of ignorance and lies.

Maybe this year the scales will fall from folks eyes and they will realize that the Decider is a Deceiver and that the proces is often far more important than the end result.

Today we are sort of tempted to let the rock fall down the hill and smash into little tiny bits and then carry those little bits up the hill and over and beyond.

Today we sort of feel like anything is possible.

Happy Anything:)


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