Tuesday, October 11, 2005

NOPD to Blacks: Stay gone?

Is the NOPD trying to send a message to the African American community that says, "Stay gone or we'll beat the shit out of you?"

In a disturbing turn of events, NOPD savagely beat 64 year old Robert Davis in the French Quarter. The attack was captured on video tape which is what is causing the "Brew-ha-ha" that has been in the news of late.

Despite the fact that the gentleman who was beaten does not harbor ill feeling against the NOPD, the event raises the bigger issue of what will happen to the Crescent City in the wake of Katrina.

Will all the blacks who return to their homes be beaten and driven out?

Mr. Davis says he believe that race was not an issue. QD prays he is right.

Look, the cops in NOLA have had a really tought time and they've been doing a helluva job.

But let's not forget that they are pretty much one of the most corrupt group of lawlessmen around and anyone who has lived in NOLA will tell you, it isn't exactly the most tolerant city in the US. In fact when QD lived there, her real estate agent asked her if she objected to living in a "mixed" neighborhood. QD thought "mixed" meant residential/commercial.

QD was 1) wrong 2) horrified and 3) did not object.


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