Friday, October 28, 2005

Selective Due Process = FOBO

Is Due Process and a Fair Trial for

"In our system, each individual is presumed innocent and entitled to due process and a fair trial." President Bush defending his assistant, the recently indicted Scooter Libby.

If this is true - then what about Guantanamo...
"Since January 11, 2002, the U.S. government has sent over seven hundred people picked up from around the world to Guantanamo. Currently some 660 are in detention, including an undisclosed number of children. As the detention camp begins its third year, the public still does not know who the detainees are, what they have allegedly done, and whether and when they will be charged with crimes or released. There have been no hearings to determine the legal status of detainees and no judicial review—in short, no legal process at all."
(emphasis mine)


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