Monday, October 31, 2005

What Is Worse

Liberals spent the weekend curled up in the fetal position, grasping the INDICTMENT and crying, "Why not Rove?"

And for a moment QD was inclined to join them, until a thought struck her.

What is worse? Karl Rove at work manipulating the powers that be or a disgraced and angry Karl Rove no longer employed with this administration - manipulating the powers that be?

As long as Karl Rove is an employee of the American People he has to account for his actions. But send Rove into the nether world of private practice and does he stop acting as the brain for the most disgraceful president this country has ever seen? No of course not! But as a private "brain" trust QD that Rove is even scarier than he is as a public official.

Is this a rationalization to make one feel better after seeing the biggest sociopath since Macchiavelli escape justice yet again? Of course it is!

But still, which would you prefer, a public Rove who can be held accountable for his actions or a private Rove who can exert unrecognized influence and function unheeded and unchecked?


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