Thursday, December 01, 2005

Retro is not Pretty

Queenie's Daughter has a friend who lost her home in New Orleans due to Katrina. Her friend has been back to New Orleans several times, although she is moving away from the region. Her friend has told her that sadly little has been done in New Orleans because so many people are bickering over blame and race and not enough people are banding together to cooperate and rebuild. Queenie's Daughter spent several years in New Orleans and she is not suprised by this news. Here's more from Raw Story - and QD wonders why she is blue: we're moving BACKWARDS.

The Avoyelles Parish Ignorance Top Five List:
5. The local casino refused to serve alcohol to evacuees, although they were free to spend their money gambling.
4. They brought in the National Guard to protect Wal-Mart because there were "too many" evacuees in town. Read: too many black people.
3. A police officer working at the shelter was so virulently racist and so prone to barking at evacuees as if they were prisoners that the two highest ranking female officers quit the post in protest. Despite attempts by these two officers and the captain of the shift to have him removed, his "family connections" kept him there.
2. A young woman and her child were invited to stay with a local woman, until said local woman's neighbors began calling her with racist threats. Although this local woman refused to tell the young woman the precise nature of the threats, she explained: "Let's just say it's hunting season, so if they shoot you, they can say it was an accident."
1. A town just a short distance away from Marksville was scheduled for a FEMA trailer park. (Marksville had already refused to house one there.) The big topic of the town meeting: "Can we segregate it?"


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