Monday, January 30, 2006

QD suggests caution...

From Wapo... study found that supporters of President Bush and other conservatives had stronger self-admitted and implicit biases against blacks than liberals did.

Now of course Queenie's Daughter, in her heart of liberal hearts, believe's that basically far right conservatives are nasty, racist, hateful, wicked human beings. She believes in hell only so that she can be assured that far right conservatives have somewhere to be punished. That being said, Queenie's Daughter is also skeptical of limousine liberals when it comes to racism. On the nasty right wing conservatives side, racism is pretty straightforward and acknowledged, but what about lefty racist liberals. Are there any?

You betchya. Lefty Racist liberals are on the down low and therefore harder to identify and also very confusing, but they are the most insidious and odious bunch imaginable. Racist liberals abound and just because they don't admit to it doesn't mean they don't exist. How do you identify a lefty racist liberal? Look at their securites. Is their money where their mouths are? In some ways, QD would argue, the lefty racists liberals are more frightening than the hateful far right conservatives. Nasty business this, so keep your eyes open.


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