Monday, February 20, 2006

Squashed like a bug

Paper Tiger
That would be your right to privacy:
White House Working to Avoid Wiretap Probe
"The White House has praised a plan by Sen. Mike DeWine (R-Ohio) to draft legislation that would exempt the NSA program from FISA, while providing for congressional oversight."

On the one hand QD is clear that everything she does is subject to discovery and therefore operates from the premise that she has no secrets. However - she also believes that she has the right to some privacy - especially from the government. Unfortunately, that will all soon change. As part of the wholesale destruction of the American Way of Life, Repugs are reported buckling under pressure from the Wise Guys in the White House.

It's too bad, really, The Constitution seemed like sort of a good idea, but yeah, let's just trash it so we can make some more money.


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