Monday, April 03, 2006

Happy Birthday to Me!

Yesterday, April 2, 2006 Queenie's Daughter took the opportunity to add another year to her age. The royal spouse betook his beloved on a shopping spree that ended in the acquisition of sexy sandals and lotsa linen.

The royal spawn and spawn-in-law drove up to Medford Mass where they were treated to a wonderful presentation of living history - A performance of Julia Ward Howe's Peace Work by by Jane Smith Bernhardt. The Medford Transcript has a great write up of Julia Ward Howe (much of which was generously albeit anonymously contribiuted by your truely!)

Now an older and somewhat wiser and much better dressed QD must apologize. Recenly she has been deluged with inane errands and errata and as a result has neglected her blog. But hear this:

Queenie's Daughter has finished being evaluated by ACKademia and so she should back to her regular observation posts.


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