Last night, Queenie's Daughter had a longish conversation with her friend whose house was destroyed in New Orleans. There was a rough moment where they agreed to disagree about the intentional destruction of the levees, but that sort of passed. (Said friend is still horrified at yours truely - but they have had longstanding idealogical differences so this comes as little suprise.)
The main issue, they both agree, is rebuilding. QD's friend could not go back to her property right now if she wanted to, she is in being told to live in limbo, without assistance - until the government decides if it wants to take her property under eminent domain.
We discussed the fact that developers are waiting people out so eventually, frustrated and with really no other choice, people stop fighting for their land and sell it or let it be taken by the government.
That was last night.
Here is the article Queenie's Daughter found this morning about the same subject.Pardon the vernacular, but those fucking developers are like vultures circling, waiting, plotting and ... well there are some real criminals in New Orleans and alot of them are fat cats in suits who say all the rights things and are planning the cities demise for their own ill-gotten gain.
Further: race relations, which were always a problem in New Orleans, can now be manipulated to make it even easier to divide and conquer.
So, Mr. Canizaro, Queenie's Daughter doesn't know you either, but she really hates you too.
Here are some good reasons why...
Mother Jone's article with a little background on Canizaro
Follow the money - Texans for Public Justice
Who is the Urban Land Institute? - NOLA Indymedia
Bushbuddy - Newsweek
Gross. Worse than gross. Criminal.