Monday, February 26, 2007

Today in the Scooter Libby Case

The museum curator offed the jury with "The Google."

Today in Court
the Libby Trial
by Mickey@13

The day began with a big bruhaha. A juror, a seventy year old Art Curator [the one who didn’t wear a Valentine’s Day tee-shirt last week] either exposed herself to or was exposed to information about the case over the weekend. She was excused [been there, done that, no tee-shirt]. The issue became plodding ahead with eleven jurors or bringing in an Alternate. Wells was happy with the decision to plod ahead. Fizgerald was not.

Then Jane Hamsher was reconnected with the blue/grey glasses she lost earlier, but subsequently lost her phone and wallet in the bathroom. That was right before the power went out in the whole building. The jury deliberated by window-light. The Media watched as the UPS lights started to wane on the WiFi and their lap-top batteries began to drain. But then the power came back on around 4:00 PM and order was restored to the kingdom. So then, someone turned in Jane Hamsher’s wallet and phone to the lost and found. All’s well that ends well.

Oh yeah. Zipola from the jury…

***BREAKING From FDL: There has been exposure of at least one of the jurors to media coverage of the trial. There is discussion going on in chambers with Judge Walton and counsel for both sides as to how to proceed. There will likely be individual voir dire (discussions) with each and every juror now to determine if there is a taint to the jury process. We won't know anything about whether things will proceed until that has concluded. There is a possibility of a mistrial being declared but, again, we will not know anything unless and until the judge and attorneys speak with the jury foreperson and all of the jurors, and make their determination as to how things will or will not proceed from there. More news as we get it.***
Source: firedoglake

We are wondering in this age of email if it isn’t something like an email from some lefty source … our inbox is full of Truth Out/Media Matters/Move One etc etc.

Late Friday, we were so afraid this would happen but the MSM seemed to be ignoring this trial in favor of the BREAKING NEWS of A N Smith and the Oscars, so we were hoping that that for once the sloppiness of MSM would work in our favor.

Ugh … It’s like when Lucy pulls the football away from Charlie Brown … every time we get close to the truth we get PUNKED.


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