Wednesday, March 07, 2007

When rude people piss off good constituents...

Dear Congressman Conyers,

Today, March 6, 2007, I called your office to leave a message for you and I was deeply disturbed by the rudeness of a member of your staff. A woman who identified herself as Carol answered the telephone and when I told her I wished to leave a message for you she laughed at me. When I asked her why she was laughing she put me on hold.

I then gave her my message (see attached). Carol interrupted me to ask me if I was a lawyer. When I responded in the negative she made it clear that it was not appropriate for me to a) call you and b) speak on a topic for which I am not properly degreed.

Congressman Conyers, I ask you, is it your policy to be dismissive of messages from the public?

In regards to the fact that I was offering an opinion on a legal matter though I am not a lawyer I have this response: My eighth great grandfather was a farmer but that did not prevent him from serving in the Continental Congress and while my fourth great grandmother was not a songwriter that did not prevent her from writing The Battle Hymn of the Republic and I join my fellow Americans in gratitude for the work of both of these brave patriots.

I am deeply disturbed by the response I received from your office and look forward to your reply.

Queenie's Daughter


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